Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I am Number Four Series

I got into the I am Number Four series, through the movie. Sorry but I didn't hear about it or the book The City of Ember though I will talk about that series later. The first book of I am Number Four is really good. It is the story of an alien race called Lorien. Their world was destroyed by this other race called Mogodorians. The Mogodorians want to destroy the last nine Lorien who are the only ones that can stop the Mogs. The catch is the Lorien have to be killed in order. So you have number one though nine and guess what the first three were killed leaving for ta,ta, ta, ta, to be the next victim. All kidding aside I really recommend this series its simply a fun read.
To be honest though I thought about half of the second book was boring. In the Power of Six we meet Seven who is held up in a Catholic Monestrary in Spain with her guardian who doesn'w want to remember Lorien she would rather be a servant in the monestary. For a quick paced action book  I found the parts with Seven very boring hand hard to slog through. You might not think so but I am Number Four was so good I slogged though it.
I almost didn't buy the third book, however, I am glad I did. This book was so well written I finished it in about three weeks and that's due to me putting it down for about four days because I was hardly coming up for air the Rise of Nine has, you guessed it number Nine in it. Its fast paced and didn't let down or disappoint. The only thing I wish Pitticus Lore had done differently is I would have liked a cliff hanger that kept me wanting more at the end of the book. I mean(granted it's a movie) but Empire Strikes Back ended giving me a deep sense of anxiety about what was going to happen to Han Solo. Luke Skywalker barely made it out of Darth Vader's clutches, arrgh, what's going to happen next?
I would have loved a cliff hanger like that but you can't always get what you want. Sing it! " But if you try sometimes, you get what you need! Oh, yeah!" Sing it Mick!  Anyway that's all for now.

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