Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shakespeare a Masterful Writer

OK, here it is Wednesday. I have been trying to think about what author I can recommend. I'm afraid I am going to have to cheat today and use Shakespeare. I recently saw King John, it's not one of the more well known plays out there. The premise without giving everything away is King John and a rightful heir of France are vying for the throne of England.
First of all the actors were incredible which you won't get if you read the play, but what I love about the writing of this play is how William can take a tragedy and nearly make it a comedy by have disaster nearly averted but alas salvation passes like two ships in a storm or fog that don't see each other. That is what I love about Shakespeare the way he executes his plays.As in King John when disaster is nearly averted it was really inspiring to my writing.
You really come to love his characters only to see them die(in his tragedies anyway.) His revenge plays were masterfully written too if you think about it. Hamlet, a revenge play about a possibly mad hero who can't decide whether to take revenge. The consiquences of his indeciciveness costs the lives of those closest to him.
Othello, a revenge play based on the point of view of an antagonist. The Tempest, A revenge play where the wronged party decides to forgive those who wronged him.

So, if you're trying to come up with something new and can't think of anything consider taking an old idea and turning it on its head Shakespeare did.

Blessings, Brian


  1. You can never go wrong with the Bard!

  2. Yeah, Thanks for visiting Tracy. I'm just getting back into the swing of things.
