Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It started with entering a English class that was creative writing, now I wanted to write short stories. The teacher was trying to let some of us go since the class was too full. Well the first half of the semester was poetry and the second part of the class was short story. My attitude for poety at this time was one of melodrama of eccentic people living on the edge of society; I nearly dropped out right then. What I had discovered was that not all poets are strange outcasts on the edge of society. My teacher was a big fan of Ezra Pound, who translated some Chinese poetry which was pretty cool. I was a little distressed to find out he was into Italian Nazism. His life exited on a sad note, this was after a emotonal breakdown after being interrogated by the Americans after the war. What I wanted to do was write fantasy. My Professor was more than a little deterrant in me writing Science Fiction and Fantasy poetry and short stories. However I found out he was fond of Lord of the Rings, so I wrote a poem on Beren and Luthien. He absolutely loved it,(Eccept for a few corrections of course.) but I had my pass for writing creatively , I have been doing so since then. I have about ten poems about Tolkiens first age of Middle-Earth covered by his book The Silmarillion. I also have a little more than a full years worth of synapsis of stories about a group of superheroes starting out in a fledgling world of superheroes apart from earth proper. I am also concidering publishing my series of short stories based on the very same group of superheroes I am planning on writing comic books about.